Collections of Articles and Devotionals

We continue to write devotionals and articles that will challenge all of us to draw closer to God and to press on to grow to be mroe like Jesus. These are various collections or groupings of our writings.

Life of Intimacy

Tim has had a book in progress ever since he finished his first book. This one is meant to help a person not only have a Biblical understanding of God's desire for intimacy, but also give practical ideas about how to live out such a life.


These devotionals are meant to be rather short compared to some of the articles. They are meant to be read in 5 minutes or so. John is Tim's favorite Gospel, and as a result, he wanted to spend some time sharing some of the treasures that he has found as a result of his study and reflection.

Holy Intimacy and Power

These are the first draft of chapters from Tim's first book called "A Life of Holy Intimacy and Power: The Radical Message of Ephesians for Believers".

Matt's Corner

Matt Moser and Tim Thomas have been friends for many years despite the age difference. In these occassional articles, Matt shares his deep faith and his sharp wit in ways that will likely touch your heart.