Review of Books on Intimacy with God

Communion with God

Mark and Patti Virkler

This book is a step by step approach to hearing God for those who are finding difficulty in recognizing the voice of God. Mark had great difficulty himself, so he takes great pains to spell out the details. But this book is not just for those who are stuggling to hear God at all. It offers ways to grow closer to God for everyone trying to hear God more precisely.

Mark and Patti teach how to journal, which in brief is to listen to God and record what He says to you. They suggest safeguards to keep one from going off the deep end while learning to hear from God.

They also advocate and teach how to develop the ability to see God-given visions. Before doing so, they present detailed scriptural arguments showing how frequently the visual gift is used in the Bible, and explain how this gift differs from New Age techniques.

While the book can become tedious because it is a "how to" manual, I think that this is one of the most useful and practical books I have come across, and I would recommend it's use to anyone who wants to become more receptive to the specific leading of the Holy Spirit.

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